i love him vEry mucH!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Pick Pockets (based on a true story... sort of.)

Classes are already dismissed. We made our way out of school. This day was very exhausting but fun. Me and my bestfriend decided to go home early for us to get some sleep when we arrive home. We made our walk from school to the highway and then ride on a jeepney.

When we sat on the seat of the jeepney with relief on our faces. At last, we can sit down now after the long walk that we did. My bestfriend and I started to talk on things like the latest gossips that has been around in school. Jeepneys stop on every place that there are passengers waiting for a ride, there the driver got 3 men passengers. One of the men sat beside my besfriend and the two of them sat infront of us at the opposite seat. Me and my bestfriend chat happily while the jeep is running smoothly on the road. No one could tell that there are troubles along the way. The ride was quite too smooth to think about accidents.

Our ride on the jeep was about to end because we are near on our destination. As we made our chat, my bestfriend felt that there is something moving on her pocket. She tried to ignore it at first, but then can't stand it so she take a look on what's moving on her pocket. She was so furious to find out that the man beside her was holding her wallet from her pocket. Shocked, she grabbed her wallet from the man's hand, but the man was too strong, so she struggled to get her wallet back. The man didn't want to return the wallet and with a strong tug my bestfriend flung to the jeep's floor. I was shocked at the event. Everyone else in the jeep was shocked even the driver. I cleared my mind from the shock that i felt, as the man made his way out of the jeep, i grabbed his shirt to stop him. But he was too strong for me. The man made his way out but my bestfriend followed him and still struggled to get the wallet. I helped her, but without any warnings, one of the man's company came close to my bestfriend and stabbed her at the back.

Everything seems to be in a slow motion. I screamed as i saw my bestfriend crying falling to the floor with a knife at her back. Blood has been drained out of her. A pool was made out of her blood. I run to my bestfriend not minding the men, with my bestfriend's wallet with them who stabbed her, running away from us as fast as they could. I cried. Cried so hard to know that my bestfriend is lying at the floor dead. Yes, she is dead. My bestfriend is already dead. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to say. I just screamed and cried in agony. My bestfriend died because of those pick pockets who has lame reasons for stealing my bestfriend's wallet.

It's been a year now since my bestfriend death. I still can't forget what had happened. It's all still fresh on my mind. I hope that who ever made that to my bestfriend, may God forgive them.